Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Update with David

Currently right now I am working with two jobs: Trimble/Talocity and MRDD. One is logistics and one is taking care of the disabled. It is difficult to work over 40 hours, enlisting in the Air Force, and taking care of my wife even though that is not in order of importance. Adam is at Lackland right now. My thoughts on that is that I will be going through the same things later on and can't wait! I don't want to work with two jobs. I am getting really tired and would like to just relax at my home with my wife. She is usually gone to work a couple of hours before I leave and I take that time to pick up around the house.
Leticia is working at Supercuts. She likes working there most of the time. She wants to further her career by going through Paul Mitchell. We will see how that will happen when I go into the Air Force.
I am also thinking of possible hobbies to pick up. I am wanting to learn of some different things but haven't figured out one yet.
The other day, Tish and I went to PetsLand and picked up another frog. This one is el bino. I named him Brutus. Tish named the other frog we have Dori. I think she liked that present for mothers day. Now we have two children together.....who are frogs. We were thinking of getting a dog or two later on. I am looking for the dog for me. Tish already has figured out what she wants.